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发布时间:2023-09-25来源: 河南日报客户端

  9月24日,记者从省住建厅获悉,省政府办公厅近日印发《十大网投在线入口》,明确By 2025, the pilot work of urban renewal will have achieved notable results, a number of pilot projects with demonstration effects will be built, a policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal will be initially established, "urban diseases" will be effectively alleviated, the urban living environment will be more beautiful, and the urban governance system will be more perfect。By 2035, the urban renewal system and mechanism with Henan characteristics will be more perfect, the weak areas of urban development will be basically supplemented, the comprehensive functions of cities will be significantly enhanced, the construction level of livable, resilient and smart cities will be comprehensively improved, and urban life will be more convenient, more comfortable and better。


  ➤ Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Air port areas should earnestly implement the national requirements on actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages in megacities,其他城市要结合自身实际,针对城区中心型、城郊型等不同类型城中村特点,Combined with the construction quality, living environment, the will of the masses, historical and cultural protection and other factors, reasonably determine the renovation and upgrading, demolition and new construction, demolition and integration of transformation methods。

  ➤Renovation and improvement should strengthen urban and project design, show traditional cultural features, focus on the implementation of basic projects such as safety hazard remediation, infrastructure improvement, and public service function improvement, as well as public space construction, overhead line management, parking lot optimization, charging facilities construction, professional property service introduction and other upgrading projects。


  ➤ We will encourage the use of surplus resettlement houses or upgraded urban village houses as low-income rental housing to provide living space for new citizens and low-income groups。

  ➤ Make innovations in land transfer methods, and explore flexible land supply methods such as plan transfer, agreement transfer, long-term lease, leasing before leasing, combination of leasing and leasing, flexible term, and investment at fixed price (as shares)。



  We will adhere to regional linkages, systematically promote the renovation of old urban communities, and make up for weaknesses in water, electricity, communications, gas, heat, sanitation, roads, parking, and charging facilities. By 2025, we will basically complete the renovation of old urban communities that need to be rebuilt before the end of 2000。


  ➤ We will explore the establishment of special funds for urban renewal at the provincial and municipal levels, and encourage and assist qualified localities to apply for and make full use of local government special funds and bonds。

  ➤ We will expand and strengthen government financing platforms, leverage social forces to participate in urban renewal, and actively guide real estate and construction companies to participate in urban renewal projects。


  ➤ Encourage financial institutions to innovate medium - and long-term financial loan products, diversify ways to increase credit, and actively provide financing support for urban renewal projects。

  ➤ It is encouraged to inject operational assets such as parking, public housing and advertising in the project area, as well as related assets, franchise rights or future earnings rights formed after urban renewal into the project implementation body。




  In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's 20 major Congress, implement urban renewal in a solid and orderly manner, and promote high-quality urban development, with the agreement of the provincial government, the following opinions are proposed in combination with the actual situation of our province, please seriously implement。



  (二)工作目标By 2025, the pilot work of urban renewal will have achieved notable results, a number of pilot projects with demonstration effects will be built, a policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal will be initially established, "urban diseases" will be effectively alleviated, the urban living environment will be more beautiful, and the urban governance system will be more perfect。By 2035, the urban renewal system and mechanism with Henan characteristics will be more perfect, the weak areas of urban development will be basically supplemented, the comprehensive functions of cities will be significantly enhanced, the construction level of livable, resilient and smart cities will be comprehensively improved, and urban life will be more convenient, more comfortable and better。



  2.政府引导、市场运作。Strengthen government guidance, strengthen government financing platforms, give full play to the role of the market, continue to optimize the business environment, encourage and support various market players to participate in urban renewal, and form a diversified and sustainable renewal model。

  3.问题导向、系统谋划。Comprehensive assessment of prominent problems in urban development through urban physical examination, scientific preparation of urban renewal planning, adhere to overall planning, overall promotion, scientific and technological empowerment, establish a whole-life cycle management awareness, and systematically implement urban renewal。

  4.因地制宜、分类施策。In light of the differences in urbanization stages, industrial development needs, resource endowments and the foundation of economic and social development, the scope and scale of renewal should be reasonably determined, the necessary and expansion items for renewal and transformation should be clearly defined, and the path, policy and mechanism innovation should be actively carried out, and the policies should be scientifically and accurately implemented。

  5.守住底线、稳步推进。Adhere to the bottom line of safe development, do your best to do what you can, demonstration drive, steady progress, clear the negative list, adhere to the "stay, change and demolition" at the same time, to retain the use of improvement, to prevent major demolition and construction, a reasonable grasp of the pace, focus on long-term operations, to avoid "movement" promotion。

  (四)方式类型。结合建筑质量、风貌、区域功能特征,通过整治提升、改建完善和拆除新建等方式,持续完善和优化调整城市空间形态与功能,To achieve the goals of reshaping urban space, perfecting urban functions, improving living environment, reviving urban culture, restoring ecological environment, and optimizing economic structure。The types of urban renewal mainly include: comprehensive improvement of residential areas, industrial agglomeration and efficiency, public service quality improvement, cultural inheritance and characteristic style shaping, infrastructure upgrading, urban safety and resilience improvement, green development and ecological restoration, smart empowerment management, etc。


  (一)推进城镇老旧居住区提升改造。加强城镇危旧房屋建筑结构性能检测,摸清底数、建档立卡、销号管理。We will accelerate the seismic reinforcement of urban houses, schools, hospitals, elderly care institutions and other important public buildings that are not earthquake-resistant, have potential earthquake-resistant safety risks and are worthy of reinforcement。加强自建房安全排查整治,切实消除自建房安全隐患。探索建立房屋体检、养老、保险等制度,保障房屋全生命周期安全。Adhere to regional linkage, systematically promote the renovation of old urban communities, and make up for the shortcomings of water, electricity, communications, gas, heat, sanitation, roads, parking, charging and other facilities, and by 2025, basically complete the renovation of old urban communities completed by the end of 2000 and in need of renovation。探索街区化物业管理模式,解决老旧小区零散片区无物业管理的难题。

  (二)稳慎推进城中村改造。Zhengzhou City, Luoyang city, aviation port area should seriously implement the national requirements on the megacities to actively and steadily promote the transformation of urban villages,其他城市要结合自身实际,针对城区中心型、城郊型等不同类型城中村特点,Combined with the construction quality, living environment, the will of the masses, historical and cultural protection and other factors, reasonably determine the renovation and upgrading, demolition and new construction, demolition and integration of transformation methods。Renovation and improvement should strengthen urban and project design, show traditional cultural features, focus on the implementation of basic projects such as safety hazard remediation, infrastructure improvement, and public service function improvement, as well as public space construction, overhead line management, parking lot optimization, charging facilities construction, professional property service introduction and other upgrading projects。拆除重建应尊重居民安置意愿,先行安排安置房项目供地和建设。We will encourage the use of villagers' surplus resettlement houses or upgraded urban village houses as low-income rental housing to provide living space for new citizens and low-income groups。

  (三)增强城市活力。充分利用闲置、低效用地支持科创企业发展,提升对高端产业和人才吸引力。We will strengthen the renovation of old factories and warehouses, and introduce modern service industries such as scientific and technological research and development, sports and fitness, elderly care services, cultural creativity, and "Internet +"。挖掘旧市场价值,补齐设施短板,改善内外环境,完善服务功能,打造便民场所。实施旧商业街区改造升级,促进“食购游文娱展”有机融合。We will promote functional transformation, industrial transformation, and vitality improvement of old neighborhoods, introduce new business forms and models, and create a number of boutique neighborhoods with local characteristics such as traditional cultural streets and commercial streets。

  (四)提升城市公共服务品质。Focusing on the goals of improving urban functions, intensive land use, and affordable housing for residents, we will optimize the structure of urban construction land and give priority to protecting land for public interest projects such as urban infrastructure and public service facilities。严格公共服务设施配建标准,以“一老一小一青壮”为重点,通过补建、置换、改造等方式,We will accelerate efforts to improve education, medical care, childcare, elderly care, food markets, community canteens, and domestic service outlets,推动完整社区建设,扩大一刻钟便民生活圈覆盖范围。We will expand urban public activity space, renovate and build a number of public cultural venues such as libraries, cultural centers, art galleries and museums, as well as sports venues such as multifunctional sports venues, sports parks, fitness trails and small fitness venues。We will promote facility sharing, spatial linkage and functional integration between industrial parks and urban living areas, improve the overall quality of cities, promote balance between jobs and housing, and accelerate the integrated development of industry and city。

  (五)加强城市风貌塑造和历史文化保护传承。强化城市风貌塑造管理。推行总体城市设计,强化对城市地标系统、天际线、色彩、高度、密度的控制。Prepare detailed urban renewal plans, and implement control requirements such as building height, important landscape nodes, open space, and regional characteristics。Explore the implementation of the chief architect responsibility system, and give the chief architect of the city a professional voice in urban renewal and urban design management。Strengthen the protection and utilization of historical and cultural blocks, historic buildings and big trees, old trees and famous trees that represent the city's memory,严格控制大规模拆除、增建、搬迁,坚持应留尽留,保留利用既有建筑、保持老城格局尺度、延续城市特色风貌,全力保留城市记忆,增强城市吸引力。

  (六)加强基础设施体系化建设改造。实施“断头路”“支小路”更新改造,畅通城市交通“微循环”。We will strengthen the implementation of standards by tapping the potential of stock, strengthening new construction, and sharing with neighboring countries, make up for shortcomings in parking facilities, and promote the construction of communications infrastructure and public charging facilities。持续推进城市燃气管道等管网更新改造和城镇污水处理提质增效。We will strengthen the construction of emergency backup water sources in cities and the interconnection of multiple water sources, accelerate the renovation of old secondary water supply facilities, and build water-saving cities。Promote the construction of sponge cities in the whole region, and basically eliminate black and odorous water bodies in county-level cities and built-up areas of county counties by 2025。Coordinate municipal infrastructure and urban underground space, promote the construction of comprehensive pipe corridors (trenches) according to local conditions, and achieve "one map" of urban underground infrastructure planning, "one chess game" of construction, and "integration" of management.。We will promote the construction of basic platforms for urban information models, strengthen the construction of information and communication infrastructure networks such as 5G in communities, accelerate the development of smart communities and smart property, implement intelligent construction and renovation of municipal infrastructure, and jointly develop smart cities and smart connected vehicles。

  (七)提升城市安全韧性水平。We will carry out a comprehensive survey of urban infrastructure, and accelerate the establishment of a dual prevention mechanism for multi-level security risk management and control and hidden dangers investigation and management。Integrate the information systems of gas, electric power, communications, Bridges, integrated pipe corridors and other facilities, build the urban lifeline safety operation monitoring system on the urban operation management service platform, and achieve all-round monitoring, timely warning, accurate traceability, and real-time disposal。We will coordinate urban flood control and drainage, optimize the layout of urban flood control and drainage channels and the spatial distribution of flood detention and storage, and systematically improve areas prone to flooding and flooding。We will steadily promote the construction of dual-use public infrastructure, improve urban emergency preparedness, and coordinate urban development and security。We will improve the urban disaster monitoring, early warning and emergency planning system, establish an urban emergency rescue command system featuring unified command, departmental linkage, military and local coordination, smooth operation, and efficient handling, and enhance urban safety and resilience management capabilities。

  (八)推进城市绿色发展和生态修复。On the basis of ecological protection and environmental governance, we will promote an ecological and environment-oriented development model to achieve mutual promotion between ecological construction and economic development。坚持城市绿色发展理念,推动实现“双碳”目标。建设高品质绿色低碳建筑,推进既有建筑节能、绿色化改造。We will strengthen the construction of classified collection, utilization, and disposal facilities and collaborative treatment of solid waste such as household waste, municipal sludge, and construction waste, and promote the construction of a "waste-free city.。Vigorously promote the public transport-oriented development model, improve the population and job coverage around rail stations, standardize and reasonably set up bus lanes, and strengthen the connection between rail transit stations and urban public transport and slow traffic systems。We will promote orderly ecological restoration of damaged mountains, water bodies, shorelines, urban wastelands and polluted land, and restore the natural ecology of cities。Reasonable optimization of the green space system, through the demolition of illegal construction green, break hard green, see the gap green, etc., the construction of pocket parks, green Spaces for the people, urban greenways, to build a complete and coherent green space system。推动公园绿地开放共享,创建国家生态园林城市。

  (九)提升城市精细化智慧化治理水平。完善城市管理委员会统筹协调机制,建立健全城市管理日常调度、专题研究和考核评价机制,完善城市治理标准,融合推进城市更新和文明城市创建,推动城市治理重心和资源向基层下沉,强化城市网格化管理,全面提升城市治理能力。The implementation of pipeline under the ground, advertising under the wall, parking into the warehouse, demolition of illegal construction and walls of the "two down, two into two demolition" action to improve the quality of the city。以物联网、大数据、人工智能、5G等技术为支撑,依托省政务大数据平台,联通整合城市运行管理服务相关信息系统,汇聚共享数据资源,加快城市运行管理服务平台体系建设,2025年年底前城市运行管理“一网统管”体制机制基本完善。


  (一)开展体检评估。Adhere to the "one year one physical examination, five years one assessment", the establishment of "find problems - rectify problems - consolidate and improve" urban physical examination work mechanism。Adhere to problem-oriented, goal-oriented and result-oriented, focus on solving difficulties, blocking points and pain points, and reasonably determine urban renewal tasks and projects。City-level cities fully carry out urban physical examination, county-level cities and counties with conditions should actively carry out urban physical examination, and encourage all places to focus on resilient cities, style quality, and complete communities to carry out special physical examination and district physical examination。

  (二)编制更新规划。According to the results of urban physical examination, connect related plans, comprehensively consider the relationship between urban renewal and special plans such as industrial development and heritage protection, prepare urban renewal plans, specify key areas, objectives and tasks for renewal, delimit renewal units, classify unit renewal strategies and design control requirements, and clarify the construction sequence。城市更新规划报本级政府批准后实施,并报上级政府城市更新主管部门备案。

  (三)制定行动计划。Adhere to regional overall planning, establish a sense of whole-life cycle management, prepare urban renewal action plans according to urban renewal planning, systematically plan urban renewal projects, clarify goals and tasks, construction scale, renewal timing, and reasonably determine project funding sources, implementation methods, and operation models。城市更新行动计划经本级政府审定后实施。

  (四)推进项目实施。Local government urban renewal departments should reasonably determine the subject of project implementation, establish an evaluation and withdrawal mechanism, and ensure the smooth implementation of the project。项目实施主体负责编制具体实施方案,报城市更新主管部门审核后依法组织实施。Projects involving the protection and inheritance of historical culture should meet the relevant requirements of the protection of historical and cultural cities, and carry out historical and cultural resources investigation and evaluation demonstration in accordance with the law。The project implementation plan should aim to create high-quality space and stimulate the vitality of the city, and clarify the overall planning, overall design, revitalizing assets, investment and financing, system construction and operation management。

  (五)坚持示范带动。We will organize and carry out pilot work on urban renewal, explore working mechanisms, models, policies and measures, and technologies for urban renewal, promote green and smart transformation of urban construction throughout its life cycle, and summarize replicable and scalable experiences。We will promote spatial renewal, industrial development and ecological governance in an integrated way, and implement a number of demonstration projects in the renovation of unit blocks, the improvement of municipal facilities, the restoration of ecological Spaces, the activation and utilization of existing buildings, the efficient use of inefficient land, and the improvement of safety and resilience。


  (一)完善用地政策。We will improve policies on land use change, integration and replacement in order to encourage compatible land use and mixed building functions。完善城市更新土地登记、地价计缴、出让金补缴、土地增值收益分配等制度。We will innovate land transfer methods, and explore flexible land supply methods such as plan transfer, agreement transfer, long-term lease, first lease and then concession, combination of lease and concession, flexible term, and investment at price (as shares)。鼓励国有土地使用权人自行或以转让、入股、联营等方式进行城市更新改造。Marginal land, sandwich land, flower arrangement land and other scattered land around urban renewal projects that do not have independent development conditions can be included in urban renewal projects for overall utilization, focusing on improving regional public service facilities, and can be allocated or agreed to transfer land procedures。

  (二)强化规划支持。The project land nature, building height, building density, floor area ratio and other indicators in the urban renewal area can be appropriately optimized after demonstration and implementation of the statutory modification procedure of the controlled detailed planning under the premise of protecting public interests and meeting the renewal objectives。In the urban renewal to undertake the responsibility for the protection of cultural relics, history and culture, or there is an increase in urban infrastructure and public service facilities, innovative industrial housing, public housing and urban public space, etc., can be awarded the floor area ratio。Due to the actual implementation difficulties, after meeting the safety requirements such as fire protection and seeking the consent of relevant right holders, the green land rate, building density, building boundary withdrawal and spacing, motor vehicle entrances and exits of some plots can be controlled at no lower than the current level。

  (三)加强资金保障。充分发挥政府与市场双重作用,多渠道筹措资金。We will promote the integration and overall use of all types of funds, actively seek support from the central government, explore the establishment of special funds for urban renewal at provincial and municipal levels, and encourage and assist qualified localities to apply for and make full use of local government special funds and bonds。Expand and strengthen government financing platforms, leverage social forces to participate in urban renewal, and actively guide real estate, construction and other enterprises to participate in urban renewal projects。支持符合条件的城市更新项目申报不动产投资信托基金等。Encourage financial institutions to innovate medium - and long-term financial loan products, enrich credit enhancement methods, and actively provide financing support for urban renewal projects。Encourage the project area parking, public housing, advertising and other business assets and urban renewal formed after the formation of related assets, franchise rights or future income rights into the project implementation body。


  (一)加强组织领导。The establishment of the governor as the leader, the executive vice governor, the deputy governor in charge of housing urban and rural construction work as the deputy leader, the relevant departments of the province is mainly responsible for the members of the provincial urban renewal work leading group, coordinate the promotion of urban renewal and urban quality improvement work, coordinate the solution of relevant major issues。领导小组下设办公室,办公室设在省住房城乡建设厅。各有关部门要各负其责,协调联动,形成工作合力。各地要建立城市更新工作推进机制。

  (二)健全支持体系。We will accelerate the legislative work of updating local regulations and government rules in cities in accordance with the legislative authority and procedures, and improve supporting policies and standards。Strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation capacity for urban renewal, form a number of technology application demonstrations, and promote the development of urban renewal industries。Optimize the approval process of engineering projects that meet the requirements of urban renewal, innovate the classification and approval mechanism of urban renewal projects, include important projects in the white list of ecological and environmental factors guarantee, and simplify the approval process。

  (三)强化指导评价。Provincial and municipal expert committees on urban renewal have been established to guide and review urban renewal plans, action plans, implementation programs, and projects。建立工作调度机制,及时总结推广先进经验做法。制定城市更新工作评价标准和办法,加强实绩实效评价。

  (四)加强宣传培训。积极发动群众参与城市更新工作,广泛征求群众意见建议。加强领导干部城市更新政策和业务培训,切实提高各级干部专业素养和能力。总结优秀案例,推广典型经验。New media such as radio, television, newspapers and the Internet will be used to strengthen urban renewal policies, publicize their effectiveness, and create a good social atmosphere。





Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,拥有独立法人资格;主管单位为河南省科学技术协会,接受省民政厅监督管理,业务上接受中国土木工程学会、中国建筑学会、河南省住房和城乡建设厅的指导。


    • 联系人:张苗子

    • 联系电话:0371-63934798

    • QQ:2078961585

    • 邮箱:2078961585@qq.com

    • 联系地址:郑州市黄河路96号

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